seven cities, twenty-one artists
In order to help establish Ethereal Collective in the art world, I developed a concept that involved creating 21 exhibitions across seven cities. To achieve this goal, I would find, curate and onboard 21 up-and-coming artists who were keen to create their first solo show as an Ethereal Collective resident artist.
Each artist would be tasked with creating 21 unique physical art pieces, each of which would be 3D scanned to create a digital model and NFT, allowing the art to exist in both the real and digital worlds.
contract architecture
Initially, Ethereal’s contract architecture was pretty boilerplate. I proposed a significant rework, which would provide more transparency and functionality to holders that would increase the likelihood of generating returns.

website redesign
Ethereal’s V1 website was lacking cohesive direction and functionality. The proposed V2 design allowed users to not only understand the core business model. It also allowed art token holders to upload and manage artwork that they wished to be display at exhibitions.
event materials
Before event 721, Ethereal Collective held AMA events with leaders in the blockchain space alongside digital screens that their art token holders could display artworks on. I art directed and produced a large majority of the event material for these first events.